Facing the Keyboard Warriors: My Cyberbullying Experience
February 16, 2024
Written by: Bek Johansson
As a mature woman, I found myself targeted by cyberbullying due to a simple question I posed on X. You see, I’m in the process of learning to become a software developer, and naturally, I have many queries that I bring to X. Until recently, my experiences on X had been mostly positive. However, one particular post went viral, garnering 121K impressions and eliciting 277 comments, more than half of which were downright mean-spirited.
The topic of discussion was my attempt to grasp the nuances between polymorphism and inheritance in object-oriented programming. Programming is a challenging endeavor, and certain concepts can be exceedingly difficult to comprehend. Nonetheless, my journey of learning has been fulfilling, especially since I joined X about six months ago and connected with some genuinely supportive individuals.
I’ve always been the type of person unafraid to ask questions, regardless of any concerns about appearing ignorant. Throughout my life, I’ve been commended for voicing the inquiries that others often share silently. I prefer seeking clarification rather than feigning understanding to maintain appearances of intelligence.
Now, you may wonder why I’m sharing my story. It’s not merely to vent or seek sympathy. Bullying has been a persistent theme in my life, from familial, peer, and even educational circles. Typically, I can brush off such negativity when it comes from one or two individuals. However, being targeted by over a hundred people simultaneously, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with doubt: Am I on the right path? Am I intelligent enough? Should I just give up?
Fortunately, I have a supportive circle of friends who encouraged me not to relent in asking my questions. Admittedly, I took a step back from X for a few days to regain my composure. Yet, if someone like me, accustomed to facing bullying, can be affected so deeply, I shudder to think about the impact on today’s youth in the era of social media. I consider myself fortunate to be part of Generation X, as I doubt I could have endured cyberbullying during my formative years.
While I don’t often dwell on such matters due to not having children of my own, it saddens me to contemplate how cyberbullying can profoundly affect and, in extreme cases, even claim lives within this generation. However, the crux of my narrative is to highlight that X isn’t primarily a platform for young users; rather, it’s predominantly populated by adults who can exhibit astonishing cruelty over something as innocuous as a question.
I’ve heard various excuses from these adults, ranging from accusing me of trolling to seeking attention and clicks. Yet, these rationalizations for their reprehensible behavior are feeble at best.
If adults engage in such conduct, it’s no wonder children mimic it. It’s convenient to hide behind a keyboard and unleash cruelty for the sake of it. However, consider this: If you’re capable of such behavior, perhaps someone is treating your child similarly, and they’re suffering in silence. We must acknowledge the potentially dire consequences of such actions.
Despite the numerous benefits of social media, it also unveils the uglier facets of humanity. We all have the capacity to be better. It’s as simple as scrolling past content we find disagreeable or blocking individuals whose intentions seem malicious. Wouldn’t that be preferable to indulging in cruelty for its own sake?
Ultimately, the choice lies with each individual. I implore you to pause and reconsider before succumbing to the urge to be cruel.